پیغام مدیر :
با سلام خدمت شما بازديدكننده گرامي، خوش آمدید به سایت من. لطفا براي هرچه بهتر شدن مطالب اين وب سایت، ما را از نظرات و پيشنهادات خود آگاه سازيد و ما را در بهتر شدن كيفيت مطالب ياري کنید.
بازدید : 4362
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh


نمونه سوال ترم دوم پیش دانشگاهی



(A:Fill in the blanks with these words(4 points

 updated – provide – rights – attach  - rural – prevent – community – exploration - compose

1.Nothing can……………me from continuing my studies.

2.On the web,news is…………………continuously.

3.E-mail is quicker to………………and arrives faster.

4.It is hard to……………….a fax into another document.

5.Most child laborers are being robbed of their……………

6.There's a large………………of muslims in America today.

7.Some rich countries spend a lot of money on space……………

8.He works 12 hours a day to……………food and clothes for his family.

 B: Match the definitions in A with the words in B.(1.5)      

 ___________A_____________                 _______B_________  

1.very poor part of a city                            a. issue

2.a small amount of something                   b. mission

3.not simple                                             c. slum

4.wanting to do something                        d. complex

5.a flight into space                                   e. sampl               

6.an important subject                                f. willing


C: Fill in the blanks with proper words of your own.(1)

 1.A/An……………..is an instrument that magnifies distant objects.

2.A number of lines or computers connected to each other is called…………


D: Check the correct answer.(5)

I think this film will have a bad……………..on children.                   a. emotion               b. impression           c. performance          d. habit

2.The Internet can be………….if you use it for a long time.

a. specific                 b. irrelevant             c. private                d. addictive

3.Is this beautiful flower natural or………

a. official                   b. mineral               c. artificial              d. normal

4.That old man…………..from a very strange disease.

a. suffers                   b. offers                  c. manages           d. supports

5.With my parents'…………….,I will go on a picnic with my friends.

 a. prediction             b. permission          c. prevention          d. invention

6.He got a very bad mark,…………..he had studied very hard.

a. while                      b. as                        c. so as to           d. although

7.I telephoned my friends………….invite them to my birthday party.

a. in order to               b. because              c. so as               d. so that

 8.My brother likes football……………my sister likes tennis.                

a. whereas          b. since    c. although        d. whether             

  9.He is going to the library…………….he can study carefully. 

a. but                       b. whether              c. so as to              d. so that

10."He had an accident yesterday."       "He………have been more careful."

a. must                   b. may                    c. should              d. shouldn't


E:Combine the sentences with the given words.(1.5)


1.Tabriz has a cold climate. Ahwaz is very warm.(while)


2.He had left home early. He was late for school.(though)


3.I am going to the bookshop. I want to buy some books.(so as to)



F:Match column A with column B(1.5)

 __________A____________                        _________B____________

1.Employers may hire children….(  )             a. it causes heart disease

2.Solar system is………… (  )                         b. it keeps us strong

3.Smoking is harmful because…….(  )            c. because they can pay them less

                                                                   d. the sun and the planets orbiting it.

G:Put these words in the correct order.(1)


1.in order to - a new house - moved - he  - near his work - to - be - .          


H: Fill in the blanks with these words.(There is one extra word.)(3)

orbits – density – launched – mission – carried – natural – atmosphere

      The modern age of space exploration began in 1947,when the former Soviet Union…1……Sputnik I,an artificial satellite.A satellite is  any….2…..body like the moon or any artificial object that….3…..another object.Sputnik which was about twice the size of a soccer ball,….4….instruments to measure the…..5….. and temperature of the Earth's upper….6…… . The United States sent its own satellite the next year.


I:Check the correct answer.(4)

1.He shouldn't have gone out alone. This sentence says that ………….

a.he didn't go out alone                b.perhaps he has gone out  alone

c.he went out alone                      d.he won't go out alone later


2.The web is actually one special area of the Internet. Other areas include newsgroups, mailing lists and chat. We understand from these sentences that…….

a. the Internet is much wider than the Web

b. the Web is more useful than the Internet

c. the Internet is more specific than the web

d. the Web has a lot of areas.


3. Child labor is both a result and a cause of poverty. This sentence means that…..

a. the only cause of poverty is child labor

b. child labor is a cause of poverty not a result of it

c. child labor is a result of poverty not a cause of it

d. child labor not only a cause of poverty but also a result of it


4.When I was a small boy, I was forced to work in mines and factories because…..

  a. I disliked working hard                     b. my income was important for my family

  c.y parents had a lot of money             d. my parents prevented me from working


J: Cloze passage:Read the text and choose the best option.(3)



AS there is no air or water on the moon, it isn't….1…to live on. It is…..2….from the earth in many ways. The ….3….of the moon is not able to....4…..heat. So when the moon's surface gets….5….,the heat runs away from it very….6…. and severe heat changes to severe cold. These extreme temperatures continually break rocks from the surface of the mountains.

1. a. social              b. suitable                    c. readable                       d. national

2. a. apart                b. away                        c. different                       d. similar

3. a. center              b. dust                          c. shape                            d. size

4. a. discover           b. produce                   c. spend                            d. store

5. a. dark                 b. mild                         c. hard                              d. soft

6. a. slowly             b. silently                     c. quietly                          d. quickly


K: Read the following passage and answer the questions.(4.5)


     How can a metal spoon in a drinking glass keep it from cracking? A glass maycrack if hot water is poured into it quickly. But if a glass warms up slowly, It won't crack. A metal spoon in a drinking glass keeps heat from reaching the glass quickly. Heat travels quickly through most metals. When we put a metal spoon in a glass and then pour in a hot drink, heat rushes into the spoon and flows up through it. Much less heat flows into the glass. The glass warms up slowly and doesn't crack


1. How does heat travel through metals?

2. How much heat goes into the glass with a metal spoon in it?

3. What may happen if a glass warms up quickly?

4. Heat travels slowly through most metals. True (  )     False(  )

5. The glass won't crack if it warms up quickly.   True (  )     False(  )

6. A glass warms up slowly if there is a……………..in it.

:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , پیش دانشگاهی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سوالات , امتحان درس زبان انگلیسی , پیش دانشگاهی , نوبت دوم ,

بازدید : 2001
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوالات امتحان درس زبان انگلیسی سال / دوره سوم دبیرستان نوبت امتحانات خرداد ماه با جواب





.كلمات ناقص زير را بطور كامل بازنويسي كنيد


A.B. Your aver – ge is very low. I am sure practice will impr – ve it.


C. D. The bra-n can record a large amount of inform – tion.


E.F. Computers are used in any fi – Id of human acti – ity.


I. J. I don’t know all te d – ta – Is a bout Ahmad’s ac – ident.


K. L We should ex – mine other s – stems of education.


M.N. Every word has a kind of s – stems of education.


O. P. A lot of athletes from different co – ntries take part in the comp – t – tions.




 AB:average improve

CD:brain  information

EF:field  activities

IJ:details  accident

KL:examin system


OP:countries  competitons


.با استفاده ازكلمات داده شده جملات زير را كامل كنيد


Attract – effect – switched – habit – rubbish – memory – degree – tower - athlete


1. What is the …………… of television on children’s lives?


2. We need people to clean our streets and take the ……….. away from our houses.


3. Football matches …………….. a lot of young people.


4. I don’t have a good …………… I can’t remember the


telephone numbers.


5. When the students finish university, they get a/an ……………


6. Takhti was a great………….. He is the father of wrestling.


7. They ………….. the conversation to a different topic when I came in.


8. “Do you know the designer of Azadi …………..?” “No, I don’t.”


















شكل صحيح كلمات داخل پرانتز را در جاهاي خالي بنويسيد.


9. My sister was ……….. tired yesterday.(real)


10. Last night I had only some ………. soup.(water)


11. These tall trees and ……….. flowers are wonderful.(color)


12. I couldn't solve the problem. It was ……….. (confuse)


13. I accepted their ……….. and went to their party. (invite)


14. The weather is very ………….. in Bandar Abbas in summer.(cloud)













جمله هاي زير را فقط با نوشتن يك كلمه ي مناسب كامل كنيد.


15. In Ramadan, Moslems do not eat from sunrise to sunset. In fact, they ……….


16. He is a good swimmer. He won a gold ……….. last year.


17. Please turn on the TV. There is a good film on ……….. five.


18. The first meal of the day is called …………….


19. Helping people is his …………. in life.


20. Long ago, men learned how to make sheets of ……………. from papyrus.








با هر يك از كلمات زير يك جملة كامل بنويسيد.


27. repair – to – is- going – his – on Friday – my father – car.


28. some – I – soup – will eat – French – chicken.



27-My father is going to repaire his car on Friday.

28-I will eat some French chicken soup.




بر اساس جمله‌هاي داده شده، جملات ناقص را كامل كنيد.


26. Jack told me, “Study your lessons carefully.”


Jack told me……………………………


30. “Where did she live last year?”


“I don’t know………….………………”



 29-Jack told me to study my lessons carefully.

30-I don’t know where she lived last year



با توجه به تصاوير به سؤالات زير پاسخ دهيد.


31. Has the blackboard been cleaned?


32. What is the woman telling the girl to do?




31-Yes it has been cleaned

32-She is telling her to wash the clothes.




پاسخ سؤالات قسمت A را از بين جواب‌هاي قسمت B انتخاب كنيد. (يك پاسخ اضافي است).




33. What does your job involve?A. Once a year.


34. How tall is your brother?B. I usually go there by taxi.


35. What do you do in your free time?C. It is at 9 o’clock.


36. How often do you go to the dentist?D. I manage an office.


37. How do you usually get to work?E. He is a bout 165 centimeters.


38. Why is he so excited?F. He is watching football.


39. What time is your flight, please?G. Ten minutes.


40. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?H.I go to the cinema.

I.Go straight on.



33-Imanage an office

34-He is about 165 centimeters

35-Igo to the cinema

36-Only once a year.

37- I usually go there by taxi.

38-He is watching football.

39-It is at 9 oclock.

40-Go straight on..



كدام كلمه از نظر تلفظ “s” يا “es” پايان كلمه با سه كلمه ديگر متفاوت است؟


41. a. girls  b. maps  c. Books  d. mats


42. a. washes  b. places  c. teaches  d. doctors






كدام كلمه ازنظر تكيه (stress) با سه كلمة ديگر متفاوت است؟


43. a. happy  b. city   c. About    d. added


44.. a. forget  b. enough  c. ago  d. father








با توجه به مفهوم جملات، گزينه صحيح را انتخاب كنيد.


45. Snow – covered roads are very dangerous. So, we expect drivers …………..


a. not to drive on these roads at all


b. to drive very carefully on these roads


c. not to drive out of town during winter


d. to put on warm clothes in snow


46. Javad! The train leaves in two hours. Why don’t you sit down and relax.


These sentences tell us that Javad ……………….


a. has enough timeb. has a little time


c. must leave immediatelyd. has no time


47. For families with children a big problem is getting the children away from the television.


To do their homework. This sentence tells us that …………….


a. children are not interested in watching TV.


b. children prefer doing their homework to watching TV


c. watching TV stops children from doing their homework


d. families like to do their children’s homework


48. The word “ hello” was kept because it was so useful.. Other new words that are not so useful may be forgotten soon. According to these sentences, ……………


a. he word “hello” was forgotten soon


b. useful words are always kept


c. most of the words must be forgotten soon


d. the words which are not so useful should be kept












متن زير را بخوانيد و به سؤالات بصورت خواسته شده پاسخ دهيد.


My family likes the sea very much. When we have a holiday, we go to a place at the seaside and borrow a boat from one of our friends. Then we sail on the sea and catch fish as day. Sometimes we sail on a small lake near the sea. We are very careful on this lake because there are a lot of sharp rocks there. There aren’t many fish in the lake. The fish aren’t very big, but they taste very good. When the weather is fine, we go to the land at lunch time and make a fire with the pieces of dry wood and cook the fish and eat them.


49. Where do the writer and his/her family go when they have a holiday?


50. Why do they fish?


51. The lake is by the sea.


a. Trueb. False


52. They eat their lunch in the boat.


a. Trueb. False




49-They go to a place near the seaside.

50-Because they taste very good.








نمونه سوالات زبان انگلیسی سال سوم دبیرستان - خرداد 







A.B. Watching too much TV may have a bad ef - ect on your eyes - ght.


C.D. Long ago in Egypt, people made she - ts of paper from pap - rus.


E.F. Today thou-ands of people take part in rel - gious celebrations.


G.H. We should know any s - ciety needs different ser - ices.


1.J. The loss of large are - s of memory occ - rs in some mental and physical illnesses.


K.L. Man has sent space - rafts to other pl - n - ts.


M.N. My friend is a great at - lete. He wres - les beautifully.


0.P. Computers can p - rf - rm many tasks according to the inst - uctions given to them.


AB      effect     eyesight

CD    sheets        papyrus   

EF  thousands     religious

GH  societies     services

IJ  areas   occures

KL  spacecrafts    planets    

MN   athletes   wrestles

OP  perform   instructions





نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , سوم دبیرستان , سؤالات سوم دبیرستان خرداد , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سوالات , درس زبان انگلیسی , سال سوم راهنمایی , خرداد ماه , همراه با جواب ,

بازدید : 46133
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوال پایانی سوم راهنمایی
نوشته شده در جمعه 1 فروردين 0
بازدید : 1458
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوالات امتحان درس زبان انگلیسی سال / دوره سوم راهنمایی نوبت امتحانات خرداد ماه با جواب



الف) در هر گروه، كلمه ي ناهماهنگ را مشخص نماييد.2نمره 

1-driver - writer - speaker – eraser                    2. aunt – famous- parent- Uncle






ب)گزينه ي صحيح را انتخاب كنيد .2نمره 

3-I wash the…………. dishes. (wild -sunny – dirty)

4-Tuesday comes before …………. (Monday – Wednesday- Friday)






ج)جمله هاي زير رابا کامات داده شده کامل کنید یک کلمه اضافی است2نمره 


5. I see a ………….. in the picture


6. We go to Shiraz by………...   








د)جمله هاي زير را با كلمه هاي مناسب كامل كنيد.2نمره

7.There are four weeks in a ……

8. Onion is a ……….  but apple is a fruit






ه)با استفاده از كمه هاي داده شده، جمله هاي زير را كامل كنيد.(يك كلمه اضافي است)2نمره

                ((cheese- thin-cartoons - new- river

9. This book is …….. It  isn’t old

10.You swim in the…….

11.They eat bread and …….. for breakfast.

12.I watch the……….very much.












و) تلفظ حروف قرمز رنک كدام كلمه از نظر صوتي با كلمه هاي ديگر فرق دارد.1نمره


13.doors_apples_walls  _ books.       











كلمه هاي ناقص را به طوركامل بنويسيد.4نمره

15-We  enj_y   the  g_mes. Her   rel_tlves   buy  di_ferent a nim_las  every  sum_er.



15-We enjoy games .Her relative buy different e animals every summer.


ح) ناقص را كامل كنيد.2نمره
















ط)مكالمه ي زير را با جمله هاي سمت راست كامل كنيد.2نمره

18.A: How much is that flower                               - It’s 3000 toman              


B:………………………….                               -Yes, ft’s very hungry 


19. Do you buy it.                                              -No, it’s very expensive.               


  A:…………………………. .



18-Its 300 tmans.

19-No,its very expensive.


ي) مكالمه زير را كامل كنيد.2نمره

20. Did you rest after school?                        B: Yes ………………….school.


21.I did my homework in the evening  B:                       ? ..when………………….



20-Yes I rested after school.

21-Who did your homework in the evening.





ك) گزينه ي صحيح را انتخاب نماييد.4نمره

22. They are…………… (tall man- tall men - a tall man)


23. ( We were…………….. the room yesterday. (clean - cleaned -cleaning


24He should……………. the ticket first. (get - gets - getting)  .


25.Her father works ……………. .(bad – good - hard)


26 She …………… TV last night. (watch - watched – watching)


27.There was………… milk in the glass. (a little - many - a few)


28.Do you help your sister? Yes, I help …………. (my - her - them)


29.They won’t ………… football tomorrow. (play - playing . played)


22-tall men





27-a little




ل)جمله هاي زير را با استفاده از معلومات خود كامل كنيد.2نمره

. 30. This is the leg ……………. my desk


31. Did she read the newspaper? Yes she…………… it.







م) هر گروه از كلمه هاي زير را به صورت جمله اي صحيح بنويسيد .2نمره

32. a heavy - there - in the street - is – traffic ?


33. makes - a cake - Mina - often - at home.




32- Is there a heavy traffic in the street?

33-Mina often makes a cake at home



ن)با توجه به کلمات داده شده ، به سوالات زي پاسخ دهيد.2نمره


34.Was he eating fish and chips? (no)                          



 35. what can he teach (English)



34-No,he was not eating fish and chips.

35-He can teach English.





س) کلمات داده شده را در جملات بکار ببرید.(يك كلمه اضافي است)3نمره


36.Amir ……. tennis.           


37.He is ……. the letter           


38.That man runs ……...    









متن زير را به دقت بخوانيد و موارد خواست شده را بنويسيد.

We will go to Birjand next year. We’ll go there by train. My father’s father

lives there. We’ll stay there for seven days. Birjand is a small town. People in small towns dont have many of the problems that they have in big cities. They aren’t very busy. They have a happy life.


ع)جمله ي درست را با (True) و جمله ي غلط را با (False) مشخص كنيد.


39.My grandfather lives in Birjand              (            )


40.People in small towns are happy              (            )







 ف)مناسب ترين گزينه را انتخاب كنيد.2نمره


41.well stay there for one ………… .(day-week-year)


42.people have a lot of ………….. in big cities.(problems-life-free time)






ص)به سوالات زير پاسخ كامل دهيد.2نمره

43-Is birjand a big city?


44.How will we go to birjand?      



43-No,it is a small city

44-You will go there by train.


نمونه سوالات زبان انگلیسی سال سوم راهنمایی - خرداد 






بخش املا:1- كلمات ناقص داخل پرانتز را كامل كنيد


Ali has ( t -  o )  brothers .  He is (ta -l) and is (famo - s) for his (hand -  riting). They eat (me - t) for lunch. Yesterday, I saw him in his (of - ice) and (sa - d) hello to him. He ( beg - ns )  his lessons at 6. 


Two         tall        famous         handwriting           meat

Office        said       begins        



    1. (su--y)                              2. (pl--e)                     3.(ru-ner)                     4.(on--n)               









بخش وا‍ژگان :    2- زير كلمه اي را كه با بقيه ناهماهنگ است خط بكشيد

1- tea – water – rice – coffee

2- come – ready – clean – speak

3- desk – bookcase – library – cloud

4-river – train – bicycle – bus     








با كلمات داده شده ، جملات زير را كامل كنيد(يك كلمه اضافه است

(old – making – sunny – always – aunt )

5- A: May it rain tomorrow?                            

      B: No, it will be …………….

6-A: What's your sister doing?       

    B: My sister is ……….. dinner.

7- A: Does Maryam like her …………….. ?

      B: Yes, she does.   

8-    A: Can the ……….. woman walk in the park ?

         B: No, she can't.









در این جملات کلمات کامل نشده را با توجه به حرف اول داده شده بنویسید

9- Mrs Taban teaches Persian (w - - -).

10- Mashhad is a (h - - -) city.

11-Ali doesn t feel fine . He is (s - - -).

12-They went to the baker s and bought (br - - -).








    .     جملات زیر را با معلومات خود کامل کنید    .

13- Many people in Tehran have a ……….. life.

14- The day before Monday is ……………….

15-Its white and we drink it. It s …………….

16-Your father s mother is you're ……………….

جواب: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , سوم راهنمایی , سؤالات سوم راهنمایی خرداد , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سوالات , درس زبان انگلیسی , سال سوم راهنمایی , خرداد ماه , همراه با جواب ,

نمونه سوالات زبان انگلیسی اول دبیرستان خرداد
نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 8 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 1695
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوالات امتحان درس زبان انگلیسی سال / دوره اول دبیرستان نوبت امتحانات خرداد ماه با جواب




1 - دیکته : کلمات ناقص را در جملات زیر کامل کنید .                    3 نمره

1. Many things about birds m – gr – tion is still a m – stery .

2. I was s - - ted near the h – st at dinner .

3. He rem – mb – red his school and his g –rden .

4. Coc- n – ts grow at the t – ps of tall trees .

5. God has sent many pro - - ets for the g – id – nce of mankind .

 6. The f – re turns the water to st - - m .


1-migration  mystery

2-seated   host

3-remembered     garden

4-coconut    tops

5-protects   guidance

6-furetunes    steam



2 - جملات زیر را با کلمات داده شده کامل کنید . ( یک کلمه اضافه است )       4 نمره

Longer / distance / secret / south / truthful / kindly / during / able / pocket

7. The ……………..from Ali's house to the school is 200 meters .

8. I believe him . because he is …………………one .

9. A tiger is ……………to run very fast .

10. we don't go to school ………………the summer .

11. I don't have any money in my bag . I have a little in my ……………. .

12. Monkeys know that green coconuts must stay on the tree ……………….. .

13. We should treat our parents ………………. .

14. I can't tell you where I'm going . It's a ………………..  .












3 - مترادف کلمات مشخص شده را از ستون مقابل پیدا کنید . ( یکی از جواب ها اضافه است ) 3 نمره

                                        A                                                                   B

……………………………………………………………              ……………………………………….

15. Put on your coat . It is cold outside . (       )                     a. give food

16. many animals can climb trees . (      )                                b. not many

17. she paid 20000 rials for that book . (       )                        c. put

18. Chinese is not easy . (        )                                                d. dress

19. Few men of that time were wiser than Newton . (    )     e. gave

20. feed the baby . he is hungry . (        )                                 f. difficult

                                                                                                     g. go up












4 - با استفاده از دانش خود جمله های زیر را کامل کنید .       1 نمره

 21. It is a school for little children . It is a ………………..  .

22. My shirt is ……………… , so I have to clean it .







Page : 2

5 -  معنی : پاسخ صحیح را از بین گزینه های داده شده انتخاب کنید .        2 نمره

23. There are many countries ………………..the world .

a. during                 b. in front of              c. all over                 d. above

24. The cake is ready to eat . You can have your ………………of it .

a. side                     b. share                     c. member                d. number

25. we are Muslims . we ……………..the one God .

a. preach                 b. treat                    c. guide                     d. worship

26. I like to eat a sandwich . what do you want to ………….. for lunch ?

a. wait                     b. order                    c. burn                      d. build






:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , اول دبیرستان , سؤالات اول دبیرستان خرداد , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سوالات , درس زبان انگلیسی , سال اول دبیرستان , خرداد ماه , همراه با جواب ,

نمونه سوالات زبان انگلیسی اول دبیرستان دیماه
نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 8 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 1545
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوالات امتحان درس زبان انگلیسی سال / دوره اول دبیرستان نوبت امتحانات دی ماه با جواب



 دیکته :1- کلمات ناقص را به صورت کامل بنویسید.3نمره

1/2. Friedrich made school a happ-er place for lit-le children.

3/4. The cows are eating gra-s in the f- -ld.

5/6. M-nk-ys are fu- -y animals.

7/8. She thou- - t Newton needed food and took his bre-kfa-t to his room.

9/10. He has a loud voi-e. I don't sit bes-de him.

11/12. She fo-nd Newton standing by the f-re.


1/2.happier  little

3/4.grass    field

5/6.monkey   funny

7/8.thought     breakfast

9/10.voice   beside

11/12.found   fire 


 لغت : 2- جملات زیر را با کلمات داده شده کامل کنید. ( یک کلمه اضافی است ) 4 نمره

green – leave – swim – vegetables – pretty – money – grows – out of reach – many

13. A flower ………. On a plant.

14. This part of the river is very deep. You shouldn't ………. there.

15. Onions, potatoes, and tomatoes are ………. .

16. Few people live more than 100 years. The opposite of "few" is ……….. .

17. Every body knows that a …………. Orange is not good to eat.

18Please   …........the egg  on the table.

19. Keep boiling water ………… of the children.

20. You need to have ……….. when you go shopping.









19-out of reach



3. مترادف کلماتی که قرمز شده اند از ستون زیر پیدا کنید . ( یک کلمه اضافی است ) 2

21. Persian farmers raise a lot of rice in the North.   

22. Some animals can climb trees.                           

23. She saw him standing by the wall.                     

24. You shouldn't pick beautiful flowers.                      

A) near                                                       

B) pretty                                                                                                


D) go up  

E) grow



22-go up




4- پاسخ صحیح را انتخاب کنید .2نمره

25. There are many countries ……… the world.

a) at all    b) in all    c) of all       d) all over

26. The physics problem was very difficult. The students couldn't ……. it.

 a) solve     b) think     c) find       d) start

27. She was in a ……….. sleep and didn't hear the door bell.

 a) warm     b) loud     c) deep       d) clean

28. Children go to ……….. when they are three or four years old.

a) high school      b) garden     c) kindergarten   d) guidance school



25-all over






5- با نوشتن کلمه ای مناسب از خودتان جملات زیر را کامل کنید .2نمره

29. You put things in it. It is on your coat. It is a ……… .

30. The farmers pick fruits when they are ……….. .

31.  When it snows in winter, the ………… clears the roads.

32. " What color is a ripe coconut ?" " Oh, it is ……….. ."






نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , اول دبیرستان , سؤالات اول دبیرستان دی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سوالات , درس زبان انگلیسی , سال اول دبیرستان , دی ماه , همراه با جواب ,

Midterm English Exam-Based on Book 3-December -2009
نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 8 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 1416
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

Part one: Vocabulary &

1.It is -------------- for me to read a book in a dark room.

a: easy b: important c: impossible d: necessary

2.Is it easy for him to read a book in a dark room? No it is-------------

a: easy b: important c: possible d: difficult

3.Is it difficult for your English teacher to speak English? No it is-------------

a: easy b: important c: possible d: difficult

4.She doesn't know the meaning of the word; she is looking-------in the dictionary.

a up b: after c: for d: at

5.She is sick, the nurse is looking--------------her in the hospital.

a: up b: after c: for d: at

6.He is looking------------the pictures carefully.

a: up b: after c :for d: at

7.They usually exercise in the morning. Today they are going to ……in the evening.

a: exercised b: improve c: relax d: continue

8.Your average was very low last month. I’m sure hard working will … your average.

a: examine b: Improve c: relax d: continue

9.My brother is a very good swimmer, he has ….. arms and legs.

a: harmful b: careful c: powerful d: successful

10.These clouds in the sky show that we may have a … day.

a: sunny b: rainy c: shiny d: hot

11.When something is......... , you must not do it .

a: forbidden b: succeeded c: completed d: important

12.Your brother can't wash the car alone, He......... help.

a: requires b: repairs c: repeats d: recalls

13.It is not easy for a......... man to walk in the street .

a: blind b: stupid c: clever d: quiet

14.If something is......... , you mustn't have or do it.

a:interesting b: necessary c: dangerous d: different

15.This seems to be a......... problem, I don't know how to solve it .

a: difficult b: suitable c: sufficient d: beautiful

16.Memory is the brain's ability to keep a......... of the past events.

a: record b: reason c: repair d: reward

17.Those who never forget what they learn have......... memory.

a:responsible b: dangerous c: photographic d: emotional

18.My father has a fixed idea, He never......... his idea.

a:attracts b: follows c: changes d: injures

19.A good way to learn something is to repeat it many times, In this it will.... in your mind

a:start b: speed c: stick d: sleep

20.The doctor......... what the reason of the disease was.

a:found out b: came back c: gave back d: took off

21.Reza doesn't know Tehran very well, so he......... his way yesterday.

a: sent b: lost c: hurt d: built

22.I had an interesting......... with my friend, we talked about a lot of things.

a: migration b: observation c: composition d: conversation

23.Betty had to......... between getting a job or going to university.

a: recall b: choose c: borrow d: repeat

24.It is......... for an elephant to go faster than a horse.

a: impossible b: comfortable c: fashionable d: suitable

25.The main......... of educating children is to fit them for life.

a: mystery b: mistake c: ability d: purpose

26.I asked Javad to play with me, but he.........

a: accepted b: explained c: refused d: required

27.He......... about his age, He said he was 16 but really he's 14 .

a:lied b: told c: spoke d: heard

28.He drives so carelessly that we are worried about his health .The opposite of "worried" is:…

a: ashamed b: relaxed c: harmful d: careful

29.Ali's father didn't lend him any money. The opposite of "lend" is …………… .

a: borrow b: follow c: pay d: let

30.We have enough money to buy a car "Enough" means: …………….

a: suitable b: perfect c: much d: sufficient  

Part Two: Grammar

31.Do you know where they work? No I don’t know where ----------------------..

a: do they work b: they work? c: they work d: he works

32.Do you know where he works? No I don’t know where -----------------------.

a: does he work b: they work? c: he works? d: he works

33.What did she say in the classroom? I don’t know what--------------in the classroom.

a: she said? b: she said c: did she say? d: she says

34.What does she say in the classroom? I don’t know what--------------in the classroom.

a: she says? b: she said c: does she say? d: she says

35.What has she done? She ----------------the door.

a: is painting b: is going to paint c: has painted d: painted

36.What is she doing? She -------------the door..

a: is painting b: is going to paint c: has painted d: painted

37.What is she going to do? She ------------------- the door -.

a: is painting b: is going to paint c: has painted d: painted

38.Ali was tired ---------climbing the tree.

a:in b:of c: on d:for

39.It is difficult for farmer --------------coconut trees.

a: to climb b: climbing c: climbed d: climbs

40.Mr. Alavi stopped -----------------in this high school yesterday.

a: teach b: taught c: teaches d: teaching

41.Mr. Alavi enjoys -----------------in this high school all the time.

a: teaching b: taught c: teaches d: teach

42.------------ very hard will improve your English.

a: study b: studied c: studying d: to study

43.Ali was interested ---------learning English.

a:in b:of c: on d:for

44.Ali insisted on ---------to the party.

a: coming b: came c: to climb d: come

45.Mr. Alavi -----------------teaching in this high school.

a: stopped b: enjoyed c:wanted d: a & b

46.It is cold, Your coat is on the chair. If you want to go out, you must put------------.

a:them off b: off them c it on d: on it

47.Did you turn off the light? Yes I turned-------.

a:it off b:them off c:off it d:off them

48.Did you turn off the lights? Yes I turned-------.

a:it off b:them off c:off it d:off them

49.Do you turn off the light? Yes I -------.

a: turned it off b: turn them off c: turn off it d: turn it off

50.Do you turn off the lights? Yes I -------.

a: turned them off b: turn them off c: turn off it d: turned it off

51.Is she looking for her son? Yes she is looking ----------------

a: for them b: him for c:them for d:.for him

52.Is she looking for her pen? Yes she is looking ----------------

a: for it b: it for c:them for d:.for him

53.Is she looking for her pens? Yes she is looking ----------------

a: for it b: it for c:them for d:.for them

54.Did she pick up the bars of chocolate? Yes, she picked-------------.

a:them up b:it up c:up them d:up it

55.Could you please stop …………so much noise?

:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , سوم دبیرستان , سؤالات سوم دبیرستان دی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: Midterm English Exam-Based on Book 3-December -2009 ,

نمونه سؤال پیش دانشگاهی - ترم 1
نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 8 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 1337
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

I. Vocabulary:

A: Fill in the blanks with the given words. There is one extra word.


    humor -concentrate - support -  probable – emphasized- forecasts-extinction

1. The manager …….. the importance of everyone working together .

2. Nobody exactly knows what caused the ……….. of dinosaurs.

3. Strong muscles give better ……….to your joint.

4. There were so many people talking. I couldn’t ……..on the subject very well.

5. Your sense of ……… can help the audience have fun.

6. The weather organization ……………rain for the weekend.




B. Choose the best choice.

7. We can ……. the amount of greenhouse gases if we use public transportation.

 a. increase                  b. rise                      c. produce                      d. reduce

8. If you exercise two or three times a week , you will feel …….. .

a. nervous                    b. healthy                   c. serious                 d. emotional

9. Cars cause ………. and release many greenhouse gases into the air.

a. pollution                    b. extinction                     c. population         d. expression



C. Match the definitions in column (A) with the words in column (B). There is one extra word in column (B).

                          A                                                             B

10. the air , water , or land in which living things live     a. embarrassment

11. a way of doing sth , especially the usual way             b. environment 

12.state of being ashamed of sth                                       c. procedure

13. say what the weather will be like                                 d.

 e. forecast



D. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word of your own.

14.The …….. is the layer of the Earth on which we live .

15.General weather of a place over a period of time is called ……… . 



II. Grammar :

A: Choose the correct choice.

16.We don`t know ………..he`ll  take part in this important meeting or not.

a. as                         b. since                        c. when                  d . whether

17.A:" Did your mother let the children ………  home early?" B:"No,she didn’t"

a. leave                    b . leaving                    c. to leave              d. left

18.The scientists……… the cause of climate change have made a lot of progress.

a. studied                 b. are studying         c. studying                      d. study




B. Combine the following sentences in an appropriate form with the information given in parentheses.

20.The experiment was successful.(The experiment was done at Shiraz University)

21. This house is very small. They cant  live in it. ( too)



C. put the words in the correct order to make a meaningful sentence.

22. Amin/ early/ he/ bed/ was/ as/ went/ tired/ to.



D. Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

23. Our teacher made all the students ……… a lecture during the term. (give)

24. You can remember things for along time by…….them several times. (repeat)



III. Sentence Function:

   Match the items in column (A) with the appropriate phrases in column (B) to make meaningful sentences. There is one extra item in (B).

                      A                                                            B

25. Eating too much fat is dangerous …     a. that make the earth warmer

26. Use your nervousness                        b. that create a happy feeling

27. Endorphins are chemicals…                  c. to add excitement to your speech

                                                                     d. because it can cause heart diseases                     




IV. Comprehension :

A. Sentence Comprehension: Read the following sentences and choose the correct choice.

28. Most earthquakes are too small to be located. This means that………  .

a. we can locate small earthquakes easily

b. we can`t predicate where the earthquakes will happen

c. we can predict the earthquakes because of the number of them

d. we can`t locate the earthquakes because of the weakness of them


29.You can add variety to your speech by raising or lowering your voice. This  sentence implies that while giving a speech ……………  .

a. change the speed of your movement

b. use pauses and silences in your speech

c. change the volume of your tone of voice

d. use a certain amount of nervousness in your words


30. When you are stronger and you are able to do things better,   you can feel better about yourself. In the other words  ,  exercise ……………. .

a. trains your muscles and joints

b. brings more oxygen into your lungs

c. can help you feel clever

d. can make you feel  proud



ادامه سؤلات در صفحه سوم



نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , پیش دانشگاهی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سؤال , نمونه سؤال پیش دانشگاهی - ترم 1 ,

سوالات چهار گزینه ای سال سوم راهنمایی
نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 8 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 1468
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوال پایانی دوم راهنمایی
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 4 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 964
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوال پایانی دوم راهنمایی 1

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نمونه سوال پایانی دوم راهنمایی 2

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نمونه سوال پایانی دوم راهنمایی 3 (PDF)

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نمونه سوال پایانی دوم راهنمایی 5 (PDF)

نمونه سوال پایانی دوم راهنمایی 6 (PDF)

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نمونه سوال دیکته پایانی دوم راهنمایی (PDF)


:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , دوم راهنمایی , سؤالات دوم راهنمایی خرداد , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سوال پایانی دوم راهنمایی ,

نمونه سوالات ترم دی ماه سال سوم
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 4 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 514
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دیماه پایه سوم (pdf)
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 4 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 679
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دیماه پایه سوم (pdf)

:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , سوم راهنمایی , سؤالات سوم راهنمایی دی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دیماه پایه سوم (pdf) ,

نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دروس 1و2و3 دوم (word)
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 4 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 701
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دروس 1و2و3 دوم (word)

:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , دوم راهنمایی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دروس 1و2و3 دوم (word) ,

نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دروس 1و2و3 و4دوم (word)
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 4 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 14965
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دروس 1و2و3 و4دوم (word)

:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , دوم راهنمایی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دروس 1و2و3 و4دوم (word) ,

نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دیماه دوم (pdf )
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 4 فروردين 1392
بازدید : 1352
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دیماه دوم (pdf )

:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , دوم راهنمایی , سؤالات دوم راهنمایی دی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سوال زبان انگلیسی دیماه دوم (pdf ) ,

نمونه سؤال دوم دبیرستان.درس به درس
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 1 بهمن 1391
بازدید : 1939
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh

 سوالات درس به درس زبان انگلیسی دوم دبیرستان


دانلود رایگان نمونه سوالات درس به درس زبان انگلیسی (2)

دانلود ویژه اعضا


:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , دوم دبیرستان , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سؤال , زبان انگلیسی , دوم دبیرستان ,

نمونه سؤال پیش دانشگاهی
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 1 بهمن 1391
بازدید : 1945
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh


دانلود رایگان نمونه سوالات زبان انگلیسی


لینک دانلود در ادامه مطلب

دانلود ویژه اعضا

جهت دانلود مطالب ابتدا عضو شوید

:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , پیش دانشگاهی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سؤال , زبان انگلیسی , پیش دانشگاهی ,

نمونه سؤال دوم راهنمایی
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 1 بهمن 1391
بازدید : 1224
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh



دانلود رایگان نمونه سوالات دی ماه زبان انگلیسی




لینک دانلود در ادامه مطلب


دانلود ویژه اعضا

جهت دانلود مطالب ابتدا عضو شوید


:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , دوم راهنمایی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سؤال , زبان انگلیسی , دوم راهنمایی ,

نمونه سؤال اول راهنمایی
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 1 بهمن 1391
بازدید : 1009
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh


 دانلود رایگان نمونه سوالات دی ماه  زبان انگلیسی


لینک دانلود در ادامه مطلب


دانلود ویژه اعضا

جهت دانلود مطالب ابتدا عضو شوید

:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , اول راهنمایی , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سؤال , زبان انگلیسی , اول راهنمایی ,

نمونه سؤال سوم دبیرستان
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 1 بهمن 1391
بازدید : 1273
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh



 دانلود رایگان نمونه سوالات دی ماه  زبان انگلیسی




لینک دانلود در ادامه مطلب


دانلود ویژه اعضا

جهت دانلود مطالب ابتدا عضو شوید


:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , سوم دبیرستان , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سؤال , زبان انگلیسی , سوم دبیرستان ,

نمونه سؤال دوم دبیرستان
نوشته شده در یک شنبه 1 بهمن 1391
بازدید : 6971
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh


دانلود رایگان نمونه سوالات دی ماه  زبان انگلیسی


لینک دانلود در ادامه مطلب

دانلود ویژه اعضا

جهت دانلود مطالب ابتدا عضو شوید


:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , دوم دبیرستان , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سؤال , زبان انگلیسی , دوم دبیرستان ,

نمونه سؤال اول دبیرستان
نوشته شده در شنبه 30 دی 1391
بازدید : 2858
نویسنده : Hamed Khanizadeh


12 سری نمونه سوال امتحانی درس زبان انگلیسی (۱) – پایه ی اول دبیرستان که در قالب یک فایل فشرده Zip برای شما آماده شده است.

شامل سوالات امتحانی دی ماه ، خرداد ماه ، شهریور ماه ، هماهنگ کشوری ، مشترک ، غائبین موجه ، قواعد و کلمات درس به درس زبان یک و ... می باشد .


لینک دانلود در ادامه مطلب

دانلود ویژه اعضا

جهت دانلود مطالب ابتدا عضو شوید

:: موضوعات مرتبط: نمونه سؤال / Sample Tests , اول دبیرستان , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: نمونه سؤال , زبان انگلیسی , اول دبیرستان ,

تعداد صفحات : 1
صفحه قبل 1 صفحه بعد